All Careers Advice
Directorate pharmacists can use leadership skills to help transform pharmacy services in hospitals. Here, we take at look at how
What a pharmacist preregistration placement in academia has to offer
Kathryn Davison and Christine Wassef describe what preregistration training in academia involves and how it can help prepare trainees for a career in pharmacy practice.
Explore the science behind pharmacy
RPS member Mark McAllister shares his experience of a career in the pharmaceutical industry
Cancer pharmacy: an evolving field
Specialist pharmacist Lizzie Provis reveals how she has found the perfect career for her. -
Don't let work rule your life
Allowing your career to take over your personal life can lead to stress and ill health. Here are some tips to help keep the balance. -
For a challenging career with diverse opportunities for personal and professional progression, the NHS could be the perfect choice.
You become a pharmacist the day you register, but the transition from student to pharmacist started when you became a preregistration trainee.
In the latest recruitment feature in The Pharmaceutical Journal, Debbie Andalo takes a look at the methods used by companies to boost recruitment of pharmacists and discovers how the internet and social media are being used to increase applications
Inside information
If you want to know a bit about what you might be in for, PJ Online has a series of articles about various employers and where you might live that might help you to make up your mind whether to apply for that job. -
Armed forces take pharmacists
It is April 2005. My first year exams are looming and nerves are setting in. However, these nerves are not just over exams, but what to do after I graduate. What are the options open to me? -
Dispense like an Egyptian
In 2003 Sayed El-Awady, professor of pharmacology at Suez Canal University, Ismailia, Egypt, was awarded funding from the EU to improve educational links between Mediterranean and British schools of pharmacy. A relationship with the University of Bath was established with the remit to implement c... -
How does one become a qualified person?
Seen or heard the term 'QP' or 'qualified person' and wondered what it meant? Interested in the career opportunities provided by the pharmaceutical industry? Malcolm E. Brown outlines what QPs do and how to become one, and Sadia Khan follows with a more detailed look at the QP registration process -
What should pharmacists wear?
When you start work you may find yourself wondering what to wear to your particular job. Different work environments require different standards of dress. Lin Nam Wang looks at whether pharmacists should be concerned about how they dress or whether they should just focus on their jobs -
Pharmacy practice in Australia
A placement at the University of Monash, Melbourne, has given Priyesh Rawal an insight on pharmacy practice in the land down under -
Singapore fling
Can you ever see yourself perhaps wanting to working in Asia? After four years of working as a clinical pharmacist at a teaching hospital in London, Victoria Coleman left the UK to work in Singapore. In this article she describes the Singaporean health system, the requirements for registering as ... -
Ask the technician
When you first start practical training you will probably need to ask a lot of questions of those around you until you are familiar with how things run. Pharmacy technicians can be a valuable source of help and information. Helen Knipe provides some insight into the role of a pharmacy technician ... -
Shine at Superdrug
Rajni Surnam chose to undertake her preregistration training with Superdrug and found it rewarding. Gemma Cleveland finds out more about Miss Surnam and why she chose Superdrug for her preregistration year and career -
The preregistration interview
Competition for preregistration trainee positions is currently at its peak. This is due mainly to an increase in the number of pharmacy graduates and a stagnation in the number of posts available for preregistration trainees. So it is paramount to have a competitive edge to single one’s self out from the rest of the crowd.
Pharmacy practice the American way!
Have you thought about living the American dream and experiencing pharmacy practice in the US? Quinn Bott discusses about the US pharmacy system and provides advice on how UK students can get involved in study or work