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North Staffordshire Clinical Commissioning Group (NSCCG)

0845 602 6772
Morston House
The Midway

North Staffordshire Clinical Commissioning Group (NSCCG) has taken over the commissioning or “buying “ of the majority of Health Services for the people of North Staffordshire (Newcastle-under-Lyme and Staffordshire Moorlands).

We are led by local family doctors (GPs). Our membership includes all 33 practices in North Staffordshire including the doctors, nurses and practice teams. We are assisted by a team of professional managers and our organisational chart is available below.

North Staffordshire CCG Organisational Structure - June 2014 [pdf] 769KB

We believe the most important factor in delivering good healthcare is the relationship between patients and those delivering their care. It is important for the views of patients to be represented and heard.

We have a variety of ways for the public and patients to become involved. This includes a membership scheme with over 2,000 people who take part in consultations.

We have a member from the Patient Congress who attends the board meeting and their role is to represent the views of the people who live in our area to the rest of the board.

Our clinical directors are experienced local clinicians and they continue to work in practice treating patients while dedicating part of their working week to the CCG.

These directors bring with them their expertise which helps us to deliver improved and affordable services of high quality.


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